Monday 27 July 2009

And there was a war in heaven.

Right. So this is where it begins. We all must start somewhere. And this has to be done.

Coventry was a really beautiful place once. People would visit for miles around. It would be one of our top tourist spots today. But its not. It was bombed. But then, so was Warsaw, and people still visit there. It still looks pretty. It still thrives.

Coventry destroyed by bombs.

Warsaw Old Town. Destroyed by bombs in 1944.

Like Coventry, Warsaw was rebuilt. But in Warsaw they rebuilt the city as it was, its heart and soul rose again. But Coventry was given to the functionalists. Gone was any hope of aesthetics, Corbousier reigned. Now no-one really wants to go there, and those that are sent have offended people.

Coventry as rebuilt 1956.

Warsaw as rebuilt in 1953.

And yet they keep going, after all the lessons we could have learnt, they keep ripping up pieces of cities and towns and villages for one excuse or another. Maybe some excuses are genuine, and it can't be any other way, but that never means you can't rebuild the building that was lost the way it was, but they don't.

Corbousier and his more recent cronies, glassism, and all the other kinds of blandboxism, keep eating away at the architectural fabric of this country, like a cancer slowly killing the very soul of the nation.

Its time for a cure.